By: Nikhil
I still remember that muggy August night when I had to hug and solace my crying mom at the airport! She was saddened to see her son leave India. I on the other hand was just tired, confused and did not even understand what hit me (we all have been through that brutal visa procedure). I just wanted to get on the plane and sleep. And I went on with my business for the next 20 years or so. It is only after 20 years, a marriage and couple kids that I understand the true feelings in those wise eyes. She knew then & there that her son has left the maay-bhoomi.
Well, you can take a person out of India but cannot take India out of a person. We are very peculiar, with a peculiar accent, upbringing and needs. We love our spicy food, we still look at Bachhan with the same awe, best recreation still is beer and food with friends. Deep inside I still feel dance cannot be a full time career for my daughter. And deep inside I really don't know where am I going to spend the rest of my life - especially after retirement. More simply put I am a "... na ghar ka na ghat ka ...".
I don't want to generalize but I personally feel I just am a more cautious, suspicious and mature myself. At least I have had my fair share of "fooled by this & fooled by that (got a 2 grands phone bill in second month here!)". Come to think of it, we do not have any security net. There is nothing to fall upon. You and your spouse - that is it. Car is totaled, start looking for a new one. Lost your job, dust your resume, and start looking.
Nevertheless, I have started making peace with the fact that this is it. My daughter may actually take up music/dance as her career! I am now active in my subdivision, community and volunteer work. I have taken up & actually like golf! But no matter how hard I try I never understand a word of the songs that my kids listen to. I am just fine with my Kishore, Asha, Lata, Rafi, ...
So, what do *you* think about "being an Indian outside India"? Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below ...